Carbon Capture share drops to 4% of Cleantech VC disbursements in H1 2022

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By CPE Analytics

CPE Analytics/Canadian Financings ( will be releasing first half of 2022 venture capital (VC) results. Q2 2011 results are the second lowest quarterly results since 2019, barely surpassing Q3 2019 results which reported $932 million in total disbursements.

Carbon capture is increasingly becoming important Cleantech component. How is this sub-sector attracting VC investments?

CPE Analytics is releasing preliminary analysis of venture capital investments in carbon capture and relative importance in cleantech VC investment and in overall investment.

After reaching a high of 14% of total cleantech disbursements in 2020, Carbon Capture’s share of cleantech VC disbursement has been steadily dropping, to 4% in first half of 2022, the lowest percentage share of all cleantech investment. It is time to be concerned.

Carbon capture investments are heavily concentrated in BC, Quebec and Nova Scotia, with relatively small activities in Alberta. This is the second issue to be concerned.

Carbon capture investments are predominately made by US and foreign VCs and strategic corporate investors, despite of Canadian government championing the issue. This is the third issue to be concerned.